Friday, October 24, 2008

A Review of the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic TestA Review of the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test

Did you know there are over fifty-six million websites have very little or no traffic coming to their websites? We didn't either until coming across the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test. In fact, according to them only 35% of the 100 million websites out there hit the top 1%. We were floored when we saw that and thought it was a great number considering all the scenarios, but it wasn't about every website. It's actually thirty-five percent of the Site Build It websites out there.

So What Are They Telling You?

Well, in not so many words, they're saying they have all the secrets and tools to put you in the one percentile. The only thing you have to do is do exactly what they tell you. The subtle hint was comical, but definitely a strong one to say the least. They have a couple other categories that other users can be put into and based on their information, we are led to believe they most likely didn't have the right niche or didn't go through the system correctly.

They use Alexa as their main stream of information regarding traffic and if you look at the examples of some of the companies, Site Sell is ranked 1,997. While they don't rank as high as Apple, IBM, Dell or American Express, they are quick to share that they don't spend near the amounts of money that the other four do. So we're thinking there has to be something to that right?

So we took the plunge and found a link that takes you to examples of what Site Build It can do for your business. The first thing that pops up is the Sports Fitness Advisor website. Now, how many people do you know who would actually spend time there? Surprisingly, they are ranked in the 57,000 range. That may sound large compared to Site Sell, Dell, and the others, but considering Alexa only keeps track of the top 100,000 that's definitely saying something.

You can go through all their examples and one thing you'll notice out of all of them is that ordinary people just like you own these websites. They are making money everyday online and it all started with the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test. When you get down to the bottom of their page, you'll see an area where you can input your URL and figure out how your company ranks right now. If you decide to join this program monitoring your traffic over the next month or two will be fun trying to compete against all the other websites out there.

Our Overall Analysis

It really is a lot of fun and we love the competitiveness of it all. On a serious note, though, there is a link that will take you to a video you can watch to learn more about the system. Visual aids are great ways to retain information and the video is probably the best thing they came up with besides the example piece. The finishing touch is just whether or not you feel this is going to help you build traffic. They've already shown you the positive results through examples, now it's time to make a decision. So what's it going to be?

Let Ken Evoy Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about the Site Sell Affiliate Program. Feel free to use this article but please leave all links and author bio intact.

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