Friday, October 24, 2008

How You Can Get Free Promotion For Your Website

What is the difference between a great site with high traffic and another great site? It is advertising or promotion. After spending so much time and money on your website, you definitely want to get it going as soon as possible.

The key to good advertising, other than attracting attention of viewers, is to consistently expose your audience with it. Tell them how great it is. Tell them how useful it is. More importantly, tell them all the time, without sounding too repetitive of course. Also, you can try to tie up your site with someone else's, preferably more famous and exposed. This form of affiliate marketing brings people to your site, when they visit your partner's site and find your site interesting. (Which ought to be, since no amount of advertising can help a site that is simply poor in quality or content)

Another way is too offer freebies that people are interested in. This keeps the eyeballs to your site and makes them want to explore more, presumably to find more freebies. Of course, don't bankrupt yourself this way and gauge your finances properly.

Having said all that, the most intuitive way nowadays is to simply go onboard with a search engine, given the advertising power of Google and Yahoo. However, this is not really recommended for new start-ups with little or no cash for such expenses and even for established companies, there must be some caution exercised. With the prevalence of click frauds, it is not certain that advertising on search engines will actually boost revenues since both Google and Yahoo uses the pay per click method to charge fees. You might be better of looking for free banners and online classified ads, which do exist despite the saying "there is no free lunch in the world". Since they are free, technically any traffic you generate out of them is one more gained from nothing.

Roderick Low is the founder of Expedite Drop, an online media network company that specialize on blog advertising. Featuring over 5 different blogs and growing, Expedite Drop enable you to promote your website, products or services to highly targeted audiences.

A Review of the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic TestA Review of the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test

Did you know there are over fifty-six million websites have very little or no traffic coming to their websites? We didn't either until coming across the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test. In fact, according to them only 35% of the 100 million websites out there hit the top 1%. We were floored when we saw that and thought it was a great number considering all the scenarios, but it wasn't about every website. It's actually thirty-five percent of the Site Build It websites out there.

So What Are They Telling You?

Well, in not so many words, they're saying they have all the secrets and tools to put you in the one percentile. The only thing you have to do is do exactly what they tell you. The subtle hint was comical, but definitely a strong one to say the least. They have a couple other categories that other users can be put into and based on their information, we are led to believe they most likely didn't have the right niche or didn't go through the system correctly.

They use Alexa as their main stream of information regarding traffic and if you look at the examples of some of the companies, Site Sell is ranked 1,997. While they don't rank as high as Apple, IBM, Dell or American Express, they are quick to share that they don't spend near the amounts of money that the other four do. So we're thinking there has to be something to that right?

So we took the plunge and found a link that takes you to examples of what Site Build It can do for your business. The first thing that pops up is the Sports Fitness Advisor website. Now, how many people do you know who would actually spend time there? Surprisingly, they are ranked in the 57,000 range. That may sound large compared to Site Sell, Dell, and the others, but considering Alexa only keeps track of the top 100,000 that's definitely saying something.

You can go through all their examples and one thing you'll notice out of all of them is that ordinary people just like you own these websites. They are making money everyday online and it all started with the Site Sell Alexa Point Traffic Test. When you get down to the bottom of their page, you'll see an area where you can input your URL and figure out how your company ranks right now. If you decide to join this program monitoring your traffic over the next month or two will be fun trying to compete against all the other websites out there.

Our Overall Analysis

It really is a lot of fun and we love the competitiveness of it all. On a serious note, though, there is a link that will take you to a video you can watch to learn more about the system. Visual aids are great ways to retain information and the video is probably the best thing they came up with besides the example piece. The finishing touch is just whether or not you feel this is going to help you build traffic. They've already shown you the positive results through examples, now it's time to make a decision. So what's it going to be?

Let Ken Evoy Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about the Site Sell Affiliate Program. Feel free to use this article but please leave all links and author bio intact.

Free Internet Business Promotion - How to Use Free Techniques to Promote Your Business!

When starting an online business or any business for that matter, one should find ways to market their business for the lowest fee possible. There are many ways to promote your business online for free or for just a minimal amount of money. But, before jumping in, remember to do your research and ask a lot of questions. This will help you determine which techniques to employ and which ones to dump. Here are some tried and tested techniques favored by many:

1. Search Engine Optimization

This is a key technique in low cost internet marketing. In order to improve page ranking, business should optimized their keywords for search engine purposes. When the search is entered, results are displayed that the highest ranking receives priority position. This means that links on that page is more likely be followed than those links down the results list. It is always best to be at the top five to ensure web traffic and sales.

2. Better Ratio

When employing a technique which virtually cost you nothing, your sales to cost ratio will greatly improve. Advertising expense is a must-deal for businesses, but when you have free advertising, why should you spend a great deal amount of money on advertising? You can market through article writing, discuss it in forums and blogs, join social networks and email newsletters.

3. Plan your campaign

Low cost internet marketing is achieved through a well-planned marketing campaign and advertising with the best known free techniques for increasing traffic effectively. You can expand your business and your advertising volume by using your advertising budget more effectively. This can improve your business significantly and generate even more prospective customers.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

Free Site Promotion Strategies - 2 Low-Cost Internet Marketing Strategies For Insane Profits

There are endless possibilities of the ways in which you can advertise your business. And sometimes, one doesn't have to spend so much money just to get a decent exposure. There are methods to expose and make your presence known to the public without over killing your expenses. Make use of low cost internet marketing to increase your online power and presence. Here are two simple strategies to boost your businesses' visibility beyond your advertising budget.

1. Affiliate Marketing Strategy

Affiliates are businesses that focus primarily on advertising and product selling for websites. They promote your product and generate web traffic into your website. They usually work for commission and will only profit when they do their job. The great thing about affiliates is that they already have a ready emailing list that contains contact details of your niche market that are loyal to them; so by paying them, you are also buying into their goodwill and connection.

2. Newsletters Strategy

It is one thing to make a sale once, but a repeated sale is another thing. To ensure that your customers know where to find you, make sure that you get their contact details so that you can keep them updated. Keep sending the newsletters regularly but keep it short. Do not send them novel-long sales pitch; in fact do not mail them any sales pitch at all, it's irritating. Just let them know that your website exists. No spamming though, this can get your account frozen without warning.

With these simple free internet marketing strategy, one can achieve their desired results given some time. Give them a try and reap the rewards. And if it of doesn't work - no worries - it's free.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

How Should I Submit My URL to the Search Engines

When you set up a new website or blog you may need to submit the url to the search engines. Google, Yahoo and most of the major search engines supply you with a page where you can suggest the URL of your website. However this won't get your site indexed more quickly as they don't automatically include every site in fact you'll rarely get all your pages indexed by all the search engines.

Before I explain some of the best ways to get your websites url indexed, I'd first like to give my opinion on the mass directory submission services that exist that promise to submit your websites to thousands of directories. Please don't waste your money, if you have too much money please send some to me and I'll invest it much more wisely in stocking up my wine cellar There are only a handful of search engines that are worth being listed in the rest are a complete waste of time and you'll just end up getting your email addresses spammed with infinite offers from these other directories, I on the other hand will never bother you while enjoying the proceeds of my new wine.

Many of the experts SEO professionals insist that you should never submit your url to any of the major search engines and you should get it indexed in other ways. Although I tend to agree with them using their submission page certainly won't do you any harm, if you search for submit url google/yahoo/msn etc you'll find all their pages. However you can easily submit and never actually make it into the search engines - it is much more preferable for them to find you.

All the major search engines are constantly looking for new content on the web, they revisit many sites thousands of times a day, checking content, following links, looking for new sites. But you should always remember that they exist to supply content and information to the people using their search facilities, Google is not going to be interested in indexing your site which is under construction, so make sure you have some content in your site before you start promoting it.

So how do we get our website indexed quickly by the search engines, well we must try and establish a presence for our url so that the search engine spiders will come visiting. For this we need links pointing in at our site, if you are creating a blog getting indexed is less of a problem most of the major blogging platforms will automatically 'ping' the search engines to inform them of new content. If you keep updating and using your blog it should get and stay indexed without any effort. This is not the case for websites however and it is not unusual to wait several months for indexing in many search engines.

To encourage the search engine spiders to visit we need to set up some little routes for the spiders to follow. The quickest and simplest way of doing this is by using social bookmarking sites. These online favourites management sites are much loved by the search engines and users alike so if you sign up with a big one like reddit, stumble or technorati then add a couple of your urls pretty soon your site will get spidered. As long as you have some useful content on your website that should be it you'll be in the indexes.

To check if you're listed just submit your url to the search engines in the search box and see if it comes up with any results. If it doesn't list your site in the search results you're not listed on that search engine.

However that's not the end of it remember that you'll need to get as many pages as possible listed in these indices for maximum traffic just having your home page listed is not enough. Make sure you create a site map and place it on your website, remember to update it when you add new content. Then sign up for Google's Webmaster tools where you can manually submit your sitemap to inform of new pages.

I use social bookmarking sites extensively to promote both my web sites and my customers, not only are they excellent for getting pages indexed fast, the links from all these sites promote your own web site and bring in direct traffic. However it can get really time consuming to logon to these sites and add individual urls.

I can certainly recommend the following software for obtaining hundreds of backlinks for social bookmarking sites and to bringing in lots of traffic.

The incredible SocialBot 3.0 Social bookmarking software lets you simply add pages automatically to over 130 Social bookmark sites all over the world.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ezine Advertising Secrets - Demystifying the Mystery Surrounding Ezine Solo Ads

Like many of millions of people around the globe, you have a business or service and at some point decided it would be a good idea to take the leap from brick and mortar sales to cyber sales. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but now you have an empty Web site, so to speak. There are no visitors and no shoppers, which means no sales and no revenue.

Now you are faced with a decision, do you pull the plug on your cyber shop or do you dig a little deeper to find out how the successful sites are managing to generate traffic. Success on the World Wide Web depends on traffic generation. You have to have people visit your site. That's where Internet marketing comes into play. One facet of Internet marketing is called the solo ad. There are two types of solo ads - one stands completely alone, while the other sent as part of an ezine. Ezines are essentially electronic versions of a magazine though usually much smaller in content.

The basic idea behind solo ads is that you create an ad, which is quite typically six lines, and that add is distributed to a publisher's subscription list. However, the ad is sent completely on its own. An ezine solo ad conforms to the same rules with one important exception - the ezine solo ad is included in an ezine. Since ezines are subscribed to, people who receive these emails in their inbox are more likely to open and read the content of the email including your ezine solo ad. This increases the likely of traffic to your site based on your ezine solo ad.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ targeted visitors per month at no cost! =>

Number of Website Hits Does Not Reflect Website Popularity

Number Of Website Hits Does Not Reflect Website Popularity

If we follow the British, then pretty soon companies may no longer be able to advertise the number of website hits they receive as a measure of the website popularity.

This is because the London Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has decreed that British companies must not use the number of website hits they receive to mislead their potential customers. The ruling was made specifically in the case of a British Diamond dealer ( which ran the advertising claim that 'With over 5 million hits each month this website has revolutionised the way we buy diamonds'.

It seems that one of CoolDiamond's rivals made the complaint that this was misleading and gave the impression that 5 million people visited the website, or that the website was visited 5 million times.

Of course any seasoned internet marketer knows that the number of website hits does not reflect website popularity. And as the ASA pointed out, a hit is a request to a web server for a file to be loaded in a visitors browser, and a typical webpage can comprise several files.

So if we think of a page displays some text and six images for example, the number of website hits on that one single page would be at least seven. So clearly the number of website hits does not reflect website popularity.

Funnily enough, my own personal view is that to advertise the number of website hits on your site is pretty amateurish thing to do any way. To my mind it smacks of desperation and a newbie who is monitoring the number of hits per website will not entice visitors to stay.

So my advice, you guessed it, don't advertise your number of website hits.

Chris Holden

This article was written by Christopher Holden who is a Business Consultant and the author Entrepreneur an online home based business guide specializing in helping individuals succeed online.


Never Market Without the Research

No marketing push of any kind should be done without the proper research done ahead of time.

Think about when you are going to buy someone a present for their birthday. Let us say you do not know anything at all about this person. You know them through a friend and that is about it, but you still need to get a present.

You have two paths you can take. The first is that you question people about what the person wants, even going to them directly and asking them if they have any suggestions. The second is that you just get what you think they might want and leave it at that. You might get a gift card to a store they might shop at, or might not, and take the chance of them not caring at all about your gift.

This is exactly the same with marketing, except if you give people something they do not like, you will not get any sales from them, and your business would not last for very long. This makes research one of the most important aspects of marketing.

And if you think about it, do you really like getting a present that you have no interest in, and you know the person who gave it to you did not care at all about whether or not you would like it? This does not make anyone feel good or put a lot of interest into the person

who gave them the gift.

Maybe postcard printing is the best type of marketing to use to reach your customers, or maybe posters are going to be better at reaching them. You cannot know until you do the research to find out.

And once you know what type of advertising to use you still need to know what images to put on it, what kinds of sales will appeal to them the most, and so on. There are so many different details about marketing that cannot be understood without researching your customers to find out what their needs are.

Why waste money on posters when postcard printing was the way to go, and you did not know it because you did not do any research? Now you have a marketing push that would not be successful, and might very well drive people away from your company rather than bring them in.

Research is rarely particularly fun and often takes a large time and financial investment, which is why companies often avoid it if they can. Sometimes they will get lucky too, just like sometimes that random gift you picked will actually work, but do you really want to leave your marketing up to chance?

I would prefer to have a little more assurance than that if I am going to spend that kind of money on my marketing. I should hope you would want the same assurance too.

Janice Jenkins is a writer for a marketing company in Chicago, IL. Mostly into marketing research, Janice started writing articles early 2007 to impart her knowledge to individuals new to the marketing industry.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit: Postcard Printing

8 Steps to Getting Your Web Site Crawled

In order to analyze the content on your web site and figure out which pages to display (and in which order) for certain search terms, the search engines (SEs) use a program called a web crawler. You might have also heard these referred to as spiders or web-bots.

Every SE has its own web crawler program and its own formula for ranking pages. However, while page factors might be ranked differently by different engines, the idea behind the web crawlers is basically the same. Getting your site crawled often is a good indicator that the SE finds your site important. And since important sites get better rankings, getting your site crawled frequently is definitely a good thing.

While there is no way you can make the SE crawl your site, there are a few things you can to do encourage the spiders to visit your site more often:

  1. First and foremost, keep your content up to date. Add unique content often and on a regular basis. And be sure to ping Google each time you update your site.
  2. Get as many backlinks as possible from other relevant sites that are crawled regularly. There are several tools available that will track and measure the crawl rate of other websites.
  3. Use a unique title tag for each page. Also, while not as important as the title, each page should also have its own keywords and description tag. This will help the spiders "know" that each page is a unique and individual entity.
  4. Keep your pages as small as possible. The spider will not spend an unlimited amount of time at your web site. If it's held up by your huge images, monstrous PDFs or even excessive text, it will simply abandon the page and move on.
  5. Pay close attention to your internal links and avoid any duplicate content issues. If you have multiple pages with the same content (often used for testing and/or tracking purposes) be sure to use your robots text file to keep the SEs away.
  6. Create a sitemap for the content you want crawled and make sure your content is compliant.
  7. Monitor your web server. Obviously, your server needs to be up and running when the spiders come a-crawling. There are many commercial providers who will monitor your server and notify you when there is a problem. In addition, ensure that your server handles all of your error pages correctly. Refer to the Google Webmaster Tools report of unreached pages for an idea of what errors are being returned.
  8. And while we're discussing Google Webmaster Tools, don't forget to use it to monitor your crawl rate, adjust it if necessary, test and track and see what works best for your site.

Time to implement: As with all SE optimization, working toward an optimal crawl rate is not a one-time job. You will need to add content approximately three times a week and update your site map as needed. Monitoring your web server is an ongoing task.

Karen Scharf is an Indianapolis marketing consultant who helps small business owners attract and retain more clients. Karen coaches and trains website owners on various tricks and techniques that have been proven to increase website conversion. She offers coaching programs and a Marketing Makeover to turn your ineffective advertising into a profit-pulling system. Grab your FREE checklists, whitepapers and reports at And learn the professional secrets to successful web site marketing at

How to Bring Lots of Traffic Using Website Promotion Tools

If you've ever researched how to bring in more traffic and visitors to your website - you'll probably know some of the basics. All the main requirements can be found with some basic searches on the internet. The process though to implement these requirements can be difficult which is why whenever possible I automate these tasks using website promotion tools.

Ok so if you're done your research you'll know you need some links to your website - the more links the better. If you've ever tried emailing webmasters asking for links you'll know it's neither a fun or rewarding job on the whole. So where can you get these important links - well these are still quite a few more options and some can be made much easier by using website promotion tools. The method I am going to explain is to use social bookmarking sites - these are all over the web and represent a large part of the Web 2.0 phenomenon. They are basically an online favourites folder where you can store all your favourite webpages and manage them - importantly for website traffic you can also make them public and share them with other users of that particular bookmarking service. The beauty of this system is that when you place a bookmark of a web page on a social bookmarking site it is listed as a link to that website.

Now at this point I am hoping that anyone who wants to promote their site has figured out it might be a good idea to bookmark some of their own web pages ! Well I agree entirely. The problem is that there are many hundreds of these social bookmarking websites and registering even a single page can take a huge amount of time - how many pages do you have on your web site ? It is extremely time consuming and in the passed I have had to charge my clients a lot of money to register lots of their pages on these social bookmarking websites - it's not particularly stimulating work either !

So what are the options ?

  • Register each page manually with every social bookmarking site- if you have lots (and I mean lots) of time on your hands this is indeed an option
  • Pay a company to submit your website for you - there are many places on the web that will submit your website pages to the social bookmarking sites for you
  • Use automated website promotion tools - there is software which can submit pages automatically for you

Now if you have only a very small website then submitting manually is probably the best option for you - have a search on the web for 'list social bookmarking sites' and you'll find a selection to create an account an add your pages manually. But if you have any more pages or you regularly add pages to your site it's probably going to be impractical to do this. There are some companies who will submit your pages professionally but many use very basic scripts which just spam your pages on to the bookmarking sites - this is not a good idea. The idea is to obtain links gradually and naturally and you have little control over these services of how and when they submit. Personally I use some software to automate the process - to register a few customers pages would still have taken several hours manually - I literally can do it in a few minutes. I have full control over when, where and how the pages are submitted and I can trickle in pages to multiple accounts over several weeks for optimum affect.

You can have a look at it here.

SocialBot 3.0 Social bookmark software

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